The 2017-18 Hong Kong budget looked at spurring economic growth and promoting social welfare, while investing in the future.
Last week, the Financial Secretary, Mr Paul Chan Mo-po announced the proposed 2017-18 Hong Kong budget. A budget looking at spurring economic growth and promoting social welfare, while investing in the future.
Among the proposed tax measures, a tax policy unit to study ways to make Hong Kong more competitive; the reduction of Salaries Tax, Profits Tax payable by 75% capped at HKD 20’000; widen the marginal bands for salaries tax rate from HKD40,000 to HKD45,000; and the re-affirmation of tackling base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS) by joining the OECD’s inclusive framework for implementing the BEPS package and expanding its network of double tax avoidance treaties
See more details on the Hong Kong budget here: