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Hong Kong Family Office Services

With the rise of capital in Asia, the wealth of Asian families has also grown substantially, as has the number of family offices in key Asian financial hubs such as Hong Kong.

Family offices offer a one-stop solution to managing wealth, addressing financial and non-financial needs such as family governance, legacy preservation, education, insurance, succession, charitable giving or investment, among other activities. A family office setup usually involves one or more investment vehicles and may include a trust arrangement.

Hong Kong is an attractive location to set up a family office. It offers flexibility and choice coupled with an ease of doing business; a robust legal and banking system and a favourable tax regime whereby only Hong Kong-sourced profits are taxable.

A successful family office needs to be supported by trusted and competent external professionals, who are able to give sound, independent third-party advice tailored to the needs and requirements of each family. This is what we offer through our Hong Kong office, a team of experts that will provide advice on the best way to structure and set up your family office, company and trust administration services and ongoing tax and regulatory compliance.

Our services include:

  • Structuring, incorporation and administration of legal entities comprising the family office
  • Application for work and resident permits
  • CRS and FATCA registration and reporting
  • Trust set up and management
  • Fund administration and accounting
  • Tax and regulatory compliance
  • Management of high-value assets (property, yachts, art, aircraft)
  • Concierge Services

A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step

Lao Tzu

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